How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (2024)

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Learn how to make Japanese Curry Roux from scratch. Only five ingredients! This easy recipe will help you cook up many delicious pots of Japanese curry.

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (1)

Japanese curry(also known as Curry Rice/Kare Raisu/カレーライス) is the ultimate comfort dish. It is the staple meal for many Japanese households because it’s so easy to make at home.

The convenience comes from the readily madeJapanese Curry Sauce Mixorcurry roux(カレールー), which allows you to cook up the stew-like curry consisting of meat & vegetables in the shortest time.

What is Japanese Curry Roux?

The curry roux in block form was first introduced by S&B Foods in 1956. It refers to a solidified mixture of sauce, made with fat, flour, and curry spices as the base flavor.

These days we can even find many varieties of instant Japanese curry roux in the Asian aisle at American supermarkets.

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (2)

The boxed curry roux often comes in a distinctive block that resembles a thick chocolate bar, where you break off individual cubes for the portion you need to make. Some of the common brands include S&B’s Golden Curry, House’s Vermont Curry, Java Curry, and Torokeru Curry.

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (3)

Homemade Japanese Curry Roux

Although the boxed stuff may spare you some time in the kitchen, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to make your own Japanese Curry Roux at home. And just like all curries, curry roux is best made from scratch. The other good reasons for homemade roux?

  • No chemical seasonings, preservatives, artificial flavors, and other food additives, which are commonly found in boxed mixes.
  • You can customize the flavor, spice level, and thickness to your preferred taste each time you make it.

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux

Ingredients You’ll Need

My recipe for Japanese curry roux requires only five ingredients that you will have in the pantry. They are:

  • Unsalted butter
  • All-purpose/plain flour
  • S&B Japanese curry powder
  • Garam masala
  • Cayenne pepper (optional for spice)

You can use salted butter for making the curry roux. If you do, adjust the amount of salt in the curry recipe you’re making. I use unsalted butter and add salt to taste as I cook.

Why Do We Combine Curry Powder and Garam Masala?

I have made homemade curry roux with just the S&B Japanese curry powder in the past, and it works great.

However, I wanted to make my own curry roux blend without having to buy all kinds of spices that I won’t necessarily use for my daily cooking. One day in my pantry, I found a bag of garam masala I purchased from my local Indian grocery store and I just mixed that into my curry roux. Garam masala added a wonderful fragrance and depth to the roux!

Since then (for the past 10 years), I’ve been using these two spice blends as my base for my curry roux. You can play around with the spices I listed on my pantry page for Japanese curry powder. Make your own blend for fun!

You’re probably wondering about the curry powder and garam masala, so I’ll cover these topics later in the post.

Overview: Cooking Steps

The roux is made with butter and flour that helps to thicken the broth. For the curry roux, we start by cooking the butter and flour mixture for a long time until it turns brown, somewhat chocolate color, for about 25-30 minutes.

When you add the curry powder, garam masala, and cayenne pepper to the roux, you’ll get delicious homemade curry roux.

The butter gives a rich sweet flavor and the toasted flour brings nuttiness. Feel free to modify the amount of the spices to your preference.

How to Store Homemade Japanese Curry Roux

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (4)

The roux can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator for a month or in the freezer for 3-4 months. I recommend cutting the block of roux into cubes. Then, you can add pieces as you need in your curry recipe.

Japanese Curry Powder

The most notable Japanese curry powder is the S&B brand that comes in a tiny red can. It has a slightly sweet and rounded flavor, and it is the most common curry powder that many Japanese homes and restaurants use in making their curry dishes.

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (5)

You can use other brands of curry powder. However, to achieve the authentic Japanese flavor, I strongly recommend using S&B Curry Powder for making the homemade curry roux. These days you can buy the S&B Curry Powder on Amazon.

Can’t find S&B Curry Powder?

To learn how to make your own Homemade Japanese Curry Powder, visit this pantry page.

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (6)

What is Garam Masala?

Garam masala is a warming spice with a sharp and pungent flavor and this spice blend is used to add flavor and color to dishes. Depending on spice shops or home recipes, the blend varies. It typically contains:

  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Coriander
  • Cumin – nice to add more for curry
  • Mace
  • Mustard seeds
  • Nutmeg
  • Peppercorns
  • Red chili pepper

Some of the spices overlap with Japanese curry powder and that’s okay. You can always tweak your own homemade curry powder blend as you like through trial and error.

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (7)

What to Make with Japanese Curry Roux

With the homemade curry roux, you will be eager to start cooking a myriad of Japanese curry dishes at any time. Here are some delicious recipes you can make with homemade curry roux:

  • Japanese Chicken Curry
  • Instant Pot Japanese Curry
  • Soup Curry
  • Japanese Beef Curry
  • Katsu Curry
  • Curry Udon
  • Japanese Seafood Curry
  • Cold Curry Udon
How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (8)

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How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (9)

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux

4.68 from 776 votes

Learn how to make Japanese Curry Roux from scratch. Only five ingredients! This easy recipe will help you cook up many delicious pots of Japanese curry.

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Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Cook Time: 30 minutes mins

Total Time: 35 minutes mins

Servings: 1 block (8 cubes per block; 7 oz, 200 g; enough for 4 cups liquid)


  • 3.5 oz unsalted butter (7 Tbsp)
  • 3.5 oz all-purpose flour (plain flour) (about ¾ cup; weigh your flour or use the “fluff and sprinkle“ method and level it off; use GF flour or rice flour for gluten-free)
  • 4 Tbsp Japanese curry powder (I recommend S&B Curry Powder; available on Amazon)
  • 1 Tbsp garam masala
  • ½ tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

Japanese Ingredient Substitution: If you want substitutes for Japanese condiments and ingredients, click here.


  • Before You Start: I highly encourage you to weigh your flour and butter using akitchen scale. If you don‘t have a kitchen scale, please use this “fluff and sprinkle“ method to measure the flour: Fluff your flour with a spoon, sprinkle it into your measuring cup, and level it off. Otherwise, you may end up scooping more flour than you need.

  • Gather all the ingredients.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (10)

To Make a Brown Roux

  • In a small saucepan, melt 3.5 oz unsalted butter over low to medium-low heat (you can cut the butter into small pieces first).

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (11)

  • When the butter is completely melted, add 3.5 oz all-purpose flour (plain flour). With a blunt-end wooden spatula, stir to combine the butter and flour.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (12)

  • Soon, the butter and flour will fuse and swell. Cook for 20–25 minutes over low heat. Stir constantly because the roux burns easily. If the roux starts separating, switch to a whisk and mix vigorously.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (13)

  • The roux will turn golden brown. You can even go for a bit darker color (watch my video).

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (14)

To Make the Curry Roux

  • Add 4 Tbsp Japanese curry powder, 1 Tbsp garam masala, and ½ tsp cayenne pepper (optional) to the roux. Tip: If you can‘t find garam masala, you can add more curry powder in its place or try adding the other spices that I suggest in the blog post.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (15)

  • Cook and stir for 30 seconds and remove from the heat. You can use the roux immediately if you‘d like (see the instructions below).

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (16)

To Mold into a Block (overnight)

  • Transfer the roux to a glass or metal container lined with parchment paper. Let it cool completely on the kitchen counter, then refrigerate to solidify overnight.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (17)

  • On the following day, take out the curry block from the container. If the curry block gets stuck to the container, release it with a butter knife or an offset spatula.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (18)

  • With a sharp knife, cut the block into 1- x 1-inch (2.5- x 2.5-cm) squares. I cut my single block into 8 pieces. Transfer the curry roux squares to a glass container.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (19)

To Store

  • Store in the refrigerator for 1 month or in the freezer for 3–4 months. Use them soon before they lose their flavor and aroma.

    How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (20)

To Use in a Curry Recipe

  • Very important! Please season your final dish with more salt, as the homemade roux is unsalted. I usually add 2–4 tsp salt per block to the broth, on the recipe. Store-bought roux is quite salty, so you may want to add more salt to your homemade Japanese Curry Roux to achieve a similar taste.

  • Add the curry roux mixture (before it solidifies) or the roux cubes to the broth of your curry recipe. Follow the recipe instructions on when to add the roux. Try it in recipes like my Chicken Curry, Instant Pot Curry, Vegetarian Curry, Beef Curry, Keema Curry, and Curry Udon.

  • How much roux or how many cubes should we use? Roughly 6–7 cubes of this recipe are equivalent to one box of store-bought curry roux (that requires 4 cups or 1L of broth/water). Simmer over low heat for 5–10 minutes. Heat will thicken the roux.

  • If the curry flavor is lacking or the curry does not thicken, add more roux. When you add meat and/or veggies, they release more moisture to the broth; therefore, you will need to adjust the amount of roux you use according to what you’re cooking.


Nutrition Facts

How to Make Japanese Curry Roux

Serving Size

1 block (8 cubes)

Amount per Serving



% Daily Value*






Saturated Fat





Trans Fat



Polyunsaturated Fat

Monounsaturated Fat






































Vitamin A





Vitamin C















* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Author: Namiko Chen

Course: Condiments, How to

Cuisine: Japanese

Keyword: curry roux

© Content and photographs are copyright protected. Sharing of this recipe is both encouraged and appreciated. Copying and/or pasting full recipes to any website or social media is strictly prohibited. Please view my photo use policy here.

Did you make this recipe?If you made this recipe, snap a pic and hashtag it #justonecookbook! We love to see your creations on Instagram @justonecookbook!

Editor’s Note: The post was originally published on March 18, 2013. The video and new images were added in August 2018. The recipe was revised and the post was updated with new images and blog content in October 2021.

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How to Make Japanese Curry Roux (Video) カレールーの作り方 (2024)


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