Simak 6 Cara Cek NIK KTP secara Online, Praktis dan Mudah Halaman all - (2024) - 14/05/2022, 23:11 WIB

Nur Jamal Shaid


Simak 6 Cara Cek NIK KTP secara Online, Praktis dan Mudah Halaman all - (1)

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Cara cek NIK KTP secara online tanpa harus datang ke kantor Dukcapil(Dok Kemendagri)

JAKARTA, – Cara cek NIK KTP kini semakin mudah. Masyarakat bisa melakukannya tanpa harus datang ke kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil (Dukcapil). Ada cara cek NIK KTP secara online yang bisa dicoba.

Cek NIK KTP secara online sendiri diperlukan untuk mengetahui apakah NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan) pada KTP terdaftar di Dukcapil nasional atau tidak.

Selain itu, cek NIK KTP secara online juga berguna agar tidak menjadi hambatan saat mengurus administrasi di kemudian hari.

Lalu bagaimana cara cek NIK KTP secara online?

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Ada beberapa cara untuk mengecek status NIK KTP, apakah valid atau tidak. Misalnya cek NIK KTP secara online lewat WhatsApp, email, media sosial, hingga melalui laman resmi dukcapil masing-masing daerah.

Jika ternyata NIK tidak valid, Anda bisa langsung mengurus dan melaporkannya ke kantor Dukcapil yang ada di sekitar domisili. Bawalah KTP dan KK asli dan minta petugas agar pendaftaran NIK segera dilakukan.

Namun sebelum itu, simak beberapa cara cek NIK KTP secara online berikut ini.

Cek NIK KTP online

1. Cek NIK KTP secara online lewat WhatsApp

Pertama, cara cek NIK KTP secara online bisa dilakukan melalui aplikasi WhatsApp. Anda mengirim pesan dengan format nama lengkap sesuai KTP, NIK, kelurahan/kecamatan/kabupaten/kota.

Setelah itu, kirim pesan tersebut ke nomor 0813-2691-2479. Contoh: Angga Dwi Cahyono/3171234567890001/Palmerah/Palmerah/Jakarta Barat.

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2. Cek NIK KTP secara online lewat email

Cara cek KTP secara online berikutnya bisa dilakukan melalui email. Anda dapat mengirim email ke Adapun format email untuk cek NIK KTP secara online sebagai berikut:


3. Cek NIK KTP secara online lewat media sosial

Selanjutnya, cara cek NIK KTP secara online yang bisa Anda pilih adalah melalui media sosial resmi Dukcapil dengan nama Halo Dukcapil di Facebook dan @ccdukcapil di Instagram dan Twitter.

Anda juga bisa menghubungi akun resmi sosial media Dukcapil tiap masing-masing daerah baik Facebook, Instagram, maupun Twitter untuk cek NIK KTP secara online.

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Simak 6 Cara Cek NIK KTP secara Online, Praktis dan Mudah Halaman all - (6) Kartika Dewi Cara cek NIK KTP secara online tanpa harus datang ke kantor Dukcapil

4. Cek NIK KTP secara online lewat call center

Selain itu, cara cek NIK KTP secara online juga bisa dilakukan dengan menghubungi call center Halo Dukcapil dari Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Namun, untuk melakukan cara cek KTP ini memang harus memiliki pulsa telepon yang cukup.

Sebelum melakukan cara cek NIK KTP secara online ini, Anda harus menyiapkan dokumen yang dibutuhkan petugas saat verifikasi seperti NIK atau No KTP dan nomor Kartu Keluarga (KK).

Call center Dukcapil bisa dihubungi dengan menelepon ke nomor 1500537. Jelaskan kepada petugas bahwa Anda ingin cek NIK KTP secara online. Petugas Halo Dukcapil akan merespons cepat dan membantu sinkronisasi data NIK jika ditemukan nomor KTP tersebut tidak terdaftar.

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5. Cek NIK KTP lewat SMS

Cara cek NIK KTP secara online juga bisa dilakukan lewat SMS. Untuk cara ini, pastikan pulsa di ponsel Anda terisi dan cukup untuk mengirim pesan singkat.

Adapun format SMS untuk cek NIK KTP lewat SMS adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Buka menu pesan
  • Ketik pesan dengan format Cek#KTP#NIK
  • Lalu kirim ke nomor Dukcapil di 0815-3636-9999.

6. Cek NIK KTP secara online via laman Disdukcapil Kota/Kabupaten

Terakhir, cara cek NIK KTP secara online bisa dilakukan melalui laman resmi Dukcapil masing-masing kabupaten/kota domisili Anda. Misalnya Dukcapil DKI Jakarta, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Kota Surabaya, Kota Bandung, Kota Solo, dan lainnya.

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Anda bisa mencarinya di mesin pencari dengan mengetikkan kata kunci Dukcapil disertai kota domisili Anda sesuai KTP. Setelah itu, kunjungi situs Dukcapil kota/kabupaten. Lalu, masukkan NIK serta data lainnya dan tinggal ikuti langkah-langkah yang diminta.

Demikian informasi seputar cara cek NIK KTP secara online melalui beberapa metode. Anda bisa memilih salah satu cara cek NIK KTP secara online yang paling mudah untuk dilakukan.

Simak 6 Cara Cek NIK KTP secara Online, Praktis dan Mudah Halaman all - (7)Shutterstock Ilustrasi KTP

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  • cek nik ktp online
  • cara cek NIK KTP secara online
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`); var wSpecStop = createElementFromHTML(`

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`); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-title', item.title); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-url', itemUrl); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-campaign', 'AIML_Widget_Desktop'); let userFeedback = new UserFeedback(resultObj.engine['tracker_algsrc'], itemUrl + tracker_params, jxRecHelper, index); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonBookmark').addEventListener('click', function() { do_bookmark(itemUrl, index, userFeedback); }); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').addEventListener('click', function() { userFeedback.event('share'); }); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonNotInterest').addEventListener('click', function() { if (getCookie('kmps_usrid')) { hideThisArt(this); userFeedback.event('not-interested'); } else { const parentAction = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement if (!!parentAction) { let indexElement = parentAction.getAttribute('data-index') if (indexElement != 'undefined') { localStorage.setItem('reaction_not_interest_temp', JSON.stringify({ urlpage: items[indexElement].url })) } } window.location.href = "" + btoa(window.location.href); } }); /** * trigger action "userFeedback" that user not interest item before, when not interest without login */ if (getCookie('kmps_usrid') && localStorage.getItem('reaction_not_interest_temp')) { const tempUrlNotInterest = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('reaction_not_interest_temp')) if (itemUrl == tempUrlNotInterest.urlpage) { userFeedback.event('not-interested'); localStorage.removeItem('reaction_not_interest_temp'); } } wSpecStop.querySelector('.wSpec-stop-undo').addEventListener('click', function() { showThisArt(this); userFeedback.event('un-not-interested'); }); recItem.appendChild(buttonOption); recItem.appendChild(reactionPopup); recItem.appendChild(wSpecStop); } var recItemWrapperA = createElement('a', null, null, null); recItemWrapperA.setAttribute('href', itemUrl + tracker_params); var titleDiv = createElement('h4', null, null, [cssClasses.title]); var titleTextNode = document.createTextNode(item.title); if (item.itemType == 'video') { var iconVideo = createElement('div', null, null, ['icoInline', 'icoVideo']); = '5px'; titleDiv.appendChild(iconVideo); } titleDiv.appendChild(titleTextNode); var sourceDiv = null; if (item.hasOwnProperty('method')) { sourceDiv = createElement('div', null, null, [cssClasses.source], resultObj.engine['type'] + ' . 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if(domain==''){ var url=window.location.href.split("/"); domain=url[2]+'/'+url[3] } let user_subs_type = "Gues"; let subs_type = ""; let is_lgn = 0; let engine = algsrc; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){is_lgn=1}; let time_load = loadtime; // trackMixpanel(domain, user_subs_type, subs_type, is_lgn, 'success', time_load, engine); resolve(); /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 3 of 5 - * pass all the info about the items to the rec helper * each one is an object: ALL MANDATORY * div * id * pos */ jxRecHelper.items(widgetItemArr); /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 4 of 5 - * Call the ready() of the helper object when the recommendation * results have been populated to the widget * (This will register the action=ready event) */ if (resultObj.engine['type'] == 'api-1') { jxRecHelper.ready(resultObj.options.algo + ":" + resultObj.options.version); } else { jxRecHelper.ready(resultObj.engine['type']); } } else { jxRecHelper.error(204); console.error("Error: no recommendation items"); return; } } catch (err) { jxRecHelper.error(901); console.log(err.stack); let domain = window.location.hostname; if(domain==''){ var url=window.location.href.split("/"); domain=url[2]+'/'+url[3] } let user_subs_type = "Gues"; let subs_type = "" let is_lgn = 0; let engine = algsrc; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){is_lgn=1}; let endDate = new Date(); let time_load = (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()); // trackMixpanel(domain, user_subs_type, subs_type, is_lgn, 'fail', time_load, engine); } }); } const _jxRecSdkURL = ''; var startDate = new Date(); class OneWidget { constructor() { //this is also the one we will pass to the JX rec helper object when //we instantiate it: //In this implementation most of these come from the options obj //on the publisher page. this._options = { accountid: '9262bf2590d558736cac4fff7978fcb1', pageurl: '', widget_id: '1000183-6xWeiWZFIM', type: 'pages', container: 'rekomendasi-konten-pilihan-untukmu-aiml', keywords: content_tags, title: title, customid: "26", count: 14, }; this._containerId = this._options.container; 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// first we wait on the JX REC SDK to be loaded and initialized let recHelperObj = null; let recResults = null; promJXSDK .then(function() { /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 1 of 5 - INSTANTIATION OF A JX REC HELPER OBJECT * Call this AFTER JX REC SDK is loaded but BEFORE you call your REC * backend. * * param: MANDATORY options object * options object must at a minimal have * accountid: get from jixie * widgetid: get from jixie * container: DIV ID of the destination div to house the widget * (for jixie widget this is just the options object passed from the page) * * (This will also register the action=load event) */ recHelperObj = jxRecMgr.createJxRecHelper(thisObj._options); let basicInfo = thisObj._options; basicInfo.engine = thisObj._engine if (basicInfo.engine.type == 'api-1') { var options = { count: basicInfo['count'], adpositions: "", keywords: basicInfo['keywords'], title: basicInfo['title'], date_published: "2022-05-14", pagecategory: "MONEY", algo: "mixed" }; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){ var kg = { pagetype:basicInfo.engine.page_status, uid:getCookie('kmps_usrid'), ukid:getCookie('kmp_uid') } if(basicInfo.engine.page_status=='read'){ kg['excludeitemids'] = basicInfo.engine.excludeitemids; kg['multiFormat'] = true; } options['additional'] = { kg:kg }; } return recHelperObj.getJxRecommendations(options); } else { return fetchRecommendationsP(basicInfo, recHelperObj.getJxUserInfo()); } }) .then(function(resp) { if (thisObj._engine.type == 'api-3') { recResults = new Object recResults.items =; } else { recResults = resp; } recResults.engine = thisObj._engine; if (!resp || !recResults.items || recResults.items.length == 0) { /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 2 of 5 - * Call the error() function on the recHelper when either an error * has occured in the fetching or there are no recommended items * * (This will register the action=error event) */ recHelperObj.error(204); throw "no recommendation results"; } }) .then(function() { // everything is ready (recommendation results, css): document.getElementById("rekomendasi-konten-pilihan-untukmu-aiml").classList.remove("-loading"); document.querySelector('.wSpec-list').remove(); createDisplay(rand, thisObj._container, recResults, recHelperObj) .then(function() { toggleDropdown(); //observe lozad lozad('.lozad', { load: function(el) { el.src = el.dataset.src; el.onload = function() { el.classList.add('fade') } } }).observe() }) }) .catch(function(error) { console.log(`Unable to create recommendations widget ${error.stack} ${error.message}`); }); } } var limit_gtm_ready = 1; function check_gtm_ready() { if ('ga' in window) { // create a new instance of our widget based on the options const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); } else { const timeout_gtm_ready = setTimeout(check_gtm_ready, 500) limit_gtm_ready += 1; if (limit_gtm_ready > 10) { clearTimeout(timeout_gtm_ready); const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); } } } check_gtm_ready() document.querySelector('.wSpec-secret').addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let wSl = document.querySelectorAll('.wSpec-source'); if (wSl.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < wSl.length; i++) { wSl[i].classList.toggle('show') } } }) function trackEventGa(category, action, label) { if ("ga" in window) { ga(function() { tracker = ga.getAll()[0]; if (tracker) { tracker.send("event", category, action, label); console.log('track event ', category, action, label) } }) } } function trackMixpanel(domain, user_subs_type, subs_type, is_lgn, is_load, time_load, engine){ // if(domain.indexOf("katanetizen") != -1){ // console.log("sini", domain, user_subs_type, subs_type, is_lgn, is_load, time_load, engine); // mixpanel.track('AIML Widget Loaded', { // 'Page Type': 'Read', // 'Page Domain': domain, // 'Page Subscription Type': subs_type, // 'Login Status': is_lgn, // 'Load Status': is_load, // 'Load Time': time_load, // 'Engine': engine, // 'Widget Type': 'Article', // }); mixpanel.track('aiml_content_loaded', { 'Page Type': '', 'Page Domain': '', 'User Type': user_subs_type, 'Page Subscription Type': subs_type, 'Log In Status': is_lgn, 'Load Status': is_load, 'Load Time': time_load, 'Engine': engine, 'Widget Type': 'Article', }); console.log('track mix panel', 'AIML Widget Loaded', 'Read') let kmp_nm = getCookie('kmp_nm'); if(kmp_nm){ distinct_id = mixpanel.get_distinct_id(); mixpanel.identify(distinct_id); mixpanel.people.set({ '$name': atob(kmp_nm), 'Subscription Type': subs_type, }); console.log('track mix panel people', 'AIML Widget Loaded', 'Read') } // } } function formBody(obj) { let formBody = []; for (var property in obj) { let encodedKey = encodeURIComponent(property); let encodedValue = encodeURIComponent(obj[property]); formBody.push(encodedKey + "=" + encodedValue); } return formBody.join("&"); } function getCookie(name) { var name = name + '='; var cookies = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var c = cookies[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } } function get_guid(url) { const videoPath = url.match(/\/watch\/(\d+)/); if (videoPath) { return `video.${videoPath[1]}`; } let arrayUrl = url.split('/'); let readPath = arrayUrl.indexOf('read'); if (arrayUrl[readPath + 1] == 'xml') { readPath += 1; } let year = arrayUrl[readPath + 1]; 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'video' : 'article'; if (kmps_usrid) { if (btnBookmark.classList.contains('-active')) { set_unbookmark({ guid: guid, kmps_usrid: kmps_usrid, type: type }).then(function(resp) { btnBookmark.classList.remove('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Simpan artikel'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil dihapus dari list yang disimpan'); userFeedback.event('un-save'); }).catch(function(resp) { // message: "Data doesn't exists" if (resp.hasOwnProperty('message') && resp.message.includes('exist')) { btnBookmark.classList.remove('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Simpan artikel'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil dihapus dari list yang disimpan'); } }) } else { const user_bookmark_url = ""; set_bookmark({ guid: guid, kmps_usrid: kmps_usrid, type: type, publisher: 'kompas', platform: 'desktop' }).then(function(resp) { btnBookmark.classList.add('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Hapus dari tersimpan'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil disimpan', user_bookmark_url); userFeedback.event('save'); }).catch(function(resp) { // message: "Data already exist" if (resp.hasOwnProperty('message') && resp.message.includes('exist')) { btnBookmark.classList.add('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Hapus dari tersimpan'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil disimpan', user_bookmark_url); } }) } } else { const login_url = "" + btoa(window.location.href); window.location.href = login_url; } } function set_bookmark(data) { const url = ""; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 201) { resolve(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 400) { reject(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } };"POST", url, true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"); xmlhttp.send(formBody(data)); }); } function set_unbookmark(data) { const url = ""; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { resolve(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 400) { reject(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } };"POST", url, true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"); xmlhttp.send(formBody(data)); }); } class UserFeedback { constructor(engine, pageurl, jxRecHelper, pos) { this.engine = engine; this.pageurl = pageurl; this.jxRecHelper = jxRecHelper; this.pos = pos; } event(feedback) { if (this.engine == 'C') { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); let params = { domain: '', ce_userid: getCookie('kmps_usrid'), ce_sessionid: getCookie('ukid'), ce_pageurl: this.pageurl, engine: 'C', ce_feedback: feedback }"GET", '' + formatParams(params)); xmlhttp.send(); } else if (this.engine == 'V') { if (feedback == 'share') { this.jxRecHelper.shared(this.pos); } else if (feedback == 'save') { this.jxRecHelper.bookmarked(this.pos); } else if (feedback == 'not-interested') { this.jxRecHelper.hidden(this.pos); } else if (feedback == 'un-not-interested') { this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(this.pos); } } } } function formatParams(params) { return "?" + Object .keys(params) .map(function(key) { return key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key]) }) .join("&") } document.addEventListener("click", function(e){ let dx = document.querySelectorAll('[data-dropdown]') if(dx) { dx.forEach(function(el){ if(el.contains( { el.parentElement.classList.toggle('-active') } else { el.parentElement.classList.remove('-active') } }) } })

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Berita Terkait

Hanya Perlu e-KTP, Simak Cara Dapatkan KTA BRI di Aplikasi BRImo

Syarat Klaim JHT Pensiunan Cukup Pakai Kartu BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan KTP

6 Cara Cek Nomor BPJS Kesehatan dengan NIK KTP

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Jual Foto KTP sebagai NFT Bisa Dipenjara dan Denda hingga Rp 1 Miliar

As an enthusiast with a profound understanding of digital identity verification and online government services, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article from dated May 14, 2022. The article discusses the ease of checking the National Identity Card (KTP) Number (NIK) online without the need to visit the Office of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) in person.

  1. NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan): The NIK is a unique identification number assigned to individuals in Indonesia. It is an essential part of the National Identity Card (KTP) and is used for various administrative purposes.

  2. Dukcapil (Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil): Dukcapil is the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Indonesia. It is responsible for maintaining population records, issuing identity cards, and handling civil registration matters.

  3. Online Verification of NIK KTP: The article provides various methods for checking the validity of NIK KTP online to ensure it is registered with the national Dukcapil. This online verification is crucial for avoiding issues during future administrative processes.

  4. Methods for Online Verification:

    • WhatsApp: Users can send a message with specific format details (full name, NIK, location) to a designated WhatsApp number.
    • Email: Verification can be done by sending an email with specific format details to the official email address.
    • Social Media: Verification is possible through official Dukcapil social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
    • Call Center: Users can contact the Dukcapil call center through a designated phone number for online verification.
    • SMS: Verification via SMS by sending a message with a specific format to a designated number.
    • Official Dukcapil Website: Users can visit the official Dukcapil website of their respective regions to verify NIK KTP online.
  5. Addressing Invalid NIK: If the online verification indicates that the NIK is invalid, individuals are advised to visit the local Dukcapil office with original identity cards (KTP) and family cards (KK) to rectify the issue.

  6. Additional Information:

    • The article also mentions recent news related to the restriction on the export of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) by Indonesia and India.
    • It provides information on transferring funds from DANA to ShopeePay.
    • The article includes a section on the largest gold-producing countries globally.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide on how to verify the NIK on the National Identity Card (KTP) online, ensuring its validity for future administrative processes. The various methods mentioned cater to different preferences and technological access points, making the process accessible to a wide range of users.

Simak 6 Cara Cek NIK KTP secara Online, Praktis dan Mudah  Halaman all - (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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