The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

and Professional Cards DR. W.W MOSS, DENTIST 102 E. Main Sarcel, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 4 HUGH F. SIMMS, Surveyor of Albemarle Ivy Depot, Va prompt and carefu work given Phone $6-58.

LAU COMPANY CHINESE LAUNDRY Fint-Class Satisfaction Guarantees Work (Gloss or Main Linen Street Finish. 114 A V. CONWAY, NOTARY PUBLIC ent Mela Street, Charlottesville; Va. M. M.

VAN DOREN, reputy Surveyor, Albemarle Ca "SURVEYING All work executed promptly. Surveying Levels, Grades, 4 Phone 964Y Charlottesville, Va. Phone 29 Night Phone 10 G. A. Revercomb, Veterinarian, a at W.

A. Irving's Livery Stable! Charlottesville, Va. L. O. DOW, PIANO TUNER: Pano Unaraoteed.

Your sol Leave orders at Payne's Manic Store A. H. ROSEN, actical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver GOODS BOLD ENGRAVED FREE A W. Main Charlottesville, Va You Have Eye Trouble, it will pay you to call on: A HUGHES, O. P.

1106 E. Market Street. Once Hoors 9 a. m. to 12 m.

sept.29.1m CHIROPRACTOR A Hugh D. Via D.C., 703. 603 W. Main St. Investigate Chiropractic.

oct3-1m nsurance FIRE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, ATE GLASS) Money to lead on easy terms. SE. L. Fresh. Bulbs.

Arcissos, Roman Ferns, Rubber Plants, Cat Flowers and Designs. goy all and see L.A. KING. FOURTEENTH STREET Clothes Pressed ad sod freshened up to look like By month of piece 1 D. J.

Ward, 245 W. Male Street lbyn Pressed Stone Co. a Manufacturers of Bullding Blocks, Bricks 200 E. Main' St, Charlottesville, BUILDING, FOR SALE Near the University. 7tie Eight- Room Conveniences, with large lot $3,000.

Easy terms. Fine Applyito, L. G. PARK HADIN, Pres't PLACE COMPANY 1 Attematie, C. Dec.

5, 1908 We bave been DAVIS DOE PURE PAINT for' the past eigbt years and have paupt bed a complalot. It has always dren entire satiataction. Very traly yours, Morrow Bros, Health Co. sale by W. T.

Martin, Charlotte seville, Va, Real Estate Bargains for Sale. 1-51-3 acres. Nice bore just cat of corporation." Large abady yard. Well of water, Good rooms two story dwelling la fret class condition, Insured for $2500. Has commanding view of moantaros and all C.

0., trains. Wu take $5 000.00 sold quick. Na 2-7 building lots one 4 room dwelling and large baras suttable for stock or livery. Insured for $1660.00. Heate for per month.

Will sell for $8000.00 No. 8-150 sores 9 miles from this City in Albemarie Co, 100 acres clear. ed. 80 acres (fine bottom land. Wul casly grow 1800 bushels of cora this year seasonable.

This la very Sue land. Will sell, on terms for $3500,00. 4 No 4--210 sores trait land Ca 1000 bearing fruit trees, 6 room 4 room dietant bouse, All out 160. icres cleared land. Some nice timber 6 miles from Ivy.

Wis sell on easy terma $2500,00 5-46 seres nice level land. room dwelling, 60 bearing fruit trees. Has fine crop clover hay cat last son. Fronts on main road. 61-2 miles trona R.

R. Price $1500.00 Na. 6--206 factes 'level land all la timber. 6 miles from Bootteville, Fronts on main road. Will sell to quick buyer for $1100.00.

room dwelling and lot in City tasted $3500 00. Will sell for $500.00 $50.00 casb No taxes or interest until paid for, No. 8-Several land bonds amounting $2000.00, bearing Interust at 6 per cent secured by Trust Deeds would like to cash at discount. Any of the above. properties can be bought o0 reasonable terms as we own same.

Address J. R. ELAM, BOX 287, 1 Charlottesville, Va Building a House. Ask anyone who. has gone through the house building business and they will tell you pot to slight the and beating, in beating and plumbing.

we want you to understand" that we can do anything in that line. We bare long experience, the most skillful workmen of the craft, and facilities for doing the work at moderate cost. Another Important feature is having the work completed justiwhen it wanted. Bring in your plans and spectifications and we won't charge penny for an estimate of just how much we will do the work for M. R.

SMITH. Just Received a new lot of Fountain Syringes Quality Guaranteed ROBT. E. CLARK, Druggist, 713 West Main Street. Apple Barrels We are now prepared to furnish bar.

rela for apples. and would advise or dering early to avoid the trouble ex perienced last reason. Can furnish the Va. or N. Y.

size as you prefer. S. A. Birch Co. Address.

Covesville or Charlottesvile. Grows Hair unBald Heads Bald licaded People May A Now Chance la Life Ta then dare when youth la the moving factor in business, whea a man pates bts mark ate Are sud us ready to retire at forty five, whea basidese houses peasion the can call middle aced" ratber than allow bis lagging to to latraco: upon the commercial bald bead 1 almost fatal to any man's hopes. The following must therefore prove: later eating to people who fare lustog tbetr bair or who' are bald. Resorcin is one of the latest and most verm discovered by scleuce, and an connection with: Beta Naptbol, which is both germicidal and antiseptic, a combination la formed which destroys the germs wh'eb AD the bair of Its sad (also creates a clean and, bealthy condition of the scalpe. whiud prevents the development of new germs.

Pilocarpin: la a well agent for restoring the bair to Ite mataral color, where the loss of has beta das to a of the scalp. Yet, 18 not a coloring matter or This combination of caratives mix: edu with alcobol as a stimolast pertecta a most elective recaedy for hair and scalp Toe famous Rexall $1930 Halt Tonic la ob'edy coma posed of Hesorcia, Beta Napibol, and Priocarpia. 16, bel pa to make the scalp healthy, to nourish the baur, to stimulate the Where the bead is already bare, is enters the follicles, revitalizes the roots, supplies pooriab meat, and stimulates a Dew growth. We want rou to tryla few bottles of Hexali Hair" Toale, on our per monal guarantee that the trial will pot cost you a penny if it does not give you atsoluteastisfaction. That's proof of our faith id this remedy sod 18 should lodisputably we know what 'we are talking about when we say that Resall Hair Tonic will grow bair on bald beads, except, of course, where baldness' bay teen of such long duration that the roots of the beir are entirely dead, the follicles closed and grown orer, and the scalp in glazed.

Remember, we are basing our statemeaty upon wbat bas alrendy bt en by the use of Rexall Hair Tonic, endive bave the right to assume that what it has done to hundreds of others it will da 1 for you. la spy event you cannot lose anything by diving it a trial on our liberal guarantee. Remember, you can get Rexall Hemedles la this community only at our store -Tue Rexall Store. 8. U.

Chancellor Charlottes. ville, Va. Nine out of tea a merchan who does not advertise believes that It would. pot PAY. him.

And he couldn't make you his ads, HE'S RIGHT- IT- WOULDN'T HIM TO ADVERTISE! Mayor Jus, U. Dabiman started his career as a cowboy, and is at present Mayor of Omaba, and has the log record. Bberin of Dawes Co, three terms, Mayor of Chadron, two terms. Democratic Nat'l Commistco eight rears; Mayor Owaba, six years, sod to 1910 Candidate for Governor of Nebraska, Writing to Fo ley Co', Chicago, De "I Dave taken Foley Kidney Pillo and they have give me a great deal of relief cheerfully reammend them." Yours truly James C. DAHLMAN.

For sale by all James 6, Dahimer, "Cowboy" Mayer of Omaha, "Throws the Undoubted values are an undoubted attraction. The week in which you ad-and offer -more of them than does any other store in your line is 'the week in which you should do more busness than any other store in your lined You are not experimenting on yourself: when you take Cough Remedy for a cold da that preparation has won its great repatation aDd extensive sole by its I remarkable cures for colde, and can always be depended apon. it is equally valuable tor adults and chlidren and may be given to young chlidrea with implicit confidence it contains DO barmfal drug, For sale by all Dealers. The best store in this town would soon be hopelessly outclassed if, for any length of time, it failed TO MAKE IT PAY YOU TO READ ITS ADS! F. Foley Kidney Mills.

Supply just the Ingredients needed to build up, strengiben and restore the oatural action of the and bladder, Specially prepared for backsebe, beadache, nervousness, rheumsand all kidney, tiedder and nary Druggists. irregularities. For sale all Shoppers expect, matter of course, chat a store which offers a lot of bargains will do a lot of advertising Albert's Headache Checkers give inand pennanently care al headaches, periodical pains Five doses 10 centa; doves, 25 centsMall orders tilled by, the R'oodinel Corporatioo, Boston, Zimmer. man- Co. H.

Sheppe. Special Agents Leaves are falling. Babiesiden awar while taking Dr. Fabroey'e Teething It makes sap-bicod. Elder: Flower Fritters delicacy little known except.

to German cooks is the fritter made. from the now blossoms. of the elderberry bush, la' season. Make a batter lot one sugar, cup of pinch, four, of one salt. aue teaspoonful 'obo cap.

of milk: beat well with a dover beater. Each tower should stem Inch or, two long: dip into the batter and try la deep fat; when puffy and brown lay 00 platter and aft with powdered sugar. of Hot Salt Bag Rag Carpets Make. a square bay of all with malt and sow the openings tully together, then cover the bag with' cotton or linen cloth. The salt will hold beat time, and also has heated some value 1t can be in the oven, on top of the stove or wherever most: convenient.

Many claim that a salt bag he better than bot water bar, as one need not be afraid of it leaking or bursting. Each season these quaint, old-fashloned door coverings crow more popu: lar. They are no attractive come in ouch pleasant colorings and designs that It In small wonder women like them. And they are not expensive and not to be despised on count of their wearing qualities. For summer bedrooms these rag rags and carpets are especially pleasing.

With white furniture, and floors they are very cool and inviting indeed. To Hem Napkins It very difficult to turn row perfectly ere hem bie napkins by band. Try the experiment of attaching the hemmer to your sewing machine and running your napkins tbrough it without using the thread. They, of course, will come out evenly creased to the desired narrowness and ready to be sewed by hand, PESSIMIST. "Icu say your, mother ros Isn't." should me, but your fath ried "Yes.

folks They never never can agree. Mary can New Veil neat from skin and bone, and cut b. into man dice. For each pint maki French dressing with four table spoonfuls' of olive oil, one: table tar, of a of sal spoonful of. plain or tarragon viDe one quarter of a teaspoonful white pepper, and with it thorough ly marinate the meat.

Bet aside in cold place for an hour or more, the It may ba thorougbly with the dressing. If you bare any cold vegetables pour boiling water. over them to rinse off any previous sauce or dreming, drain and marinate separately with French dressing Arrange bed of lettuce or other. treen salad on a platter, pour on the meat and garnish with the vege tables. A few nasturtium leaves will add piquancy to, the salad, or a littrwatercress may be used with the let tuce, the combination depending largely upon the meat on hand enc You can keep new "vell fron stretching by threading.

the sowing machine with silk of the same color and stitching carefully alone carl edge. The stitching will not show and the vell will remain always tr cood condition. COLD BALAD-Fres the the way- which It 'was cooked Bolled meat usually needs more 1: the way of seasoning -than roast meat; few drops of onion juice 01 teaspoonful of chopped chives is. frequently a decided addle To clean men's' hats use, turpentine wbich will remove grease and freshen the felt. If: the turpentine leaves mark, faish with a little spirits of wine EMBARRASSING.

"Delay herself away awfully of the bore: insisted she bad dery temper, her hair auburn, and to win the bad to admit It was dyed." Soda crackers A more nutritive than any other flour food. Uneeda Biscuit (are In the perfect soda A crackers. Therefore, Uneeda Biscuit. A Five cents spent for, a package of Biscuit is an investment-an investment in nourish- ment, in, health, in eating. 3 the cost is but five cents, 4.

Biscuit "are too good, too nour; ishing, too crisp, to'be bought merely -3 A as an economy. 2 4. Buy them because 5 of their freshnessbuy them because A of their crispnessbuy them because of their them because of their nourishment. Always 5 cents. Al- ways fresh and crisp in the moistureL proof package.

Never sold in bulk. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY A Account Reunion Vuited rate' Veterans of Virginie, Newport News, and Norfolk, Va, Era Railway will sell from priucipal polate in Virgiola October 15th, 16th sod greatly teduced round trip fare tickets, daal limit to reach origsal startiog polot returning not later than midnight of October 3rd. For full particulars, tratu service, etc. call on any Agent of Houtbera Railway or write La d. Brown, Genera al Arent, 705 15th 5t.

N. Logion, D. U. The store that la advertised way is patronized in a big way without exception. Torturing eczema spreads its burn.

log ares every day. Doan's quickly stops its spreading, Instantly the cures 16 At Buy ding store. 84 1 4 Foley's Kidney Remedy VS. a Hopeless Hod, Ark. J.

E. Freemen, dad a case of kidoey trouble and could not work and my case ace ed hopelem. Due tarice battle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me and I have never tr eti bet raince. ways recommend For sale by all co A Watch bables boweld till the frosts" come, Dr. Teething Bs rup keeps them la god a dam pie frec.

diver The people who read your ads are the people who are to make business good" at your the patronage. subject 10 year INFLUENCE 4 i 5'.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.